T-Shirts - Bluebonnet Circle Service Unit Girl Scouts
Interested in purchasing additional Service Unit t-shirts for adult volunteers or late-registered girl scouts? Submit orders by Nov. 5th here. Shirts are $10 each, payment through Paypal.
Have you picked up your troop's free Service Unit t-shirts for registering on time? Troop orders turned in by the deadlines are available for pick up at the November 14 Service Unit Volunteer Meeting at 7pm at St. Matthew's. Your Troop contact has an email from bluebonnetcirclegs@gmail.com with details of who qualified. Porch pick up available by emailing Sand.
Cookie Roundup!
Round Up the Troop Cookie Volunteers!!! Talk to your Troop Leader or Cookie Coordinator to make sure that your troop is signed up to participate in the 2024-2025 Cookie Sale!! If you don't have a Cookie Coordinator for your troop, talk to your Troop Leader about how you can help!
Troop Cookie Coordinators attend a mandatory training. Troop Leaders and other volunteers helping with the sale are welcome to attend as well. Sign up will remain open until Friday, November 8, but signing up early will ensure that the training session you want is not already full.
Sunday, November 3, 2-4 PM (New and Experienced Coordinators)
Monday, November 4, 7:30-8:30 PM (Experienced Coordinators ONLY)
Thursday, November 7, 7 – 9 PM (New and Experienced Coordinators)
Saturday, November 9, 10AM -12PM (New and Experienced Coordinators)
Email products@bluebonnetcircle.org with any questions.
Clothing Donations
Clean out your closets and help Troop 41395 raise funds for a trip to Savannah, GA! We want to see where Girl Scouts started, the original headquarters, Juliette Gordon Low's home and lots of fun local sites. We're collecting gently used clothing, books and media, household textiles and small household items for a FUNDrive with Savers and you can drop them off at the November 14 and December 12 Service Unit meetings! You can also porch drop them when picking up your Service Unit t-shirts. See the event page for additional drop off dates/location as well as a more complete list of what can be donated.
Junior Fall Frenzy
Earn three Junior Girl Scout badges, connect with older girls and have a great time! Join Troop 2028 at the Georgetown Scout House, November 16, 2024 at 2:00pm. All Girl Scouts will earn the Simple Meals badge and have a choice of two other badges: Detective; Musician; or Digital Photography (must bring your own digital camera or a phone with a digital camera). Badges are included in the Girl Scout ticket price. Girl Scout cost: $50 includes 3 badges and dinner. Adult cost: $40 includes dinner. Register here. For more information, email Troop 2028 at 2028isgreat@gmail.com.
Petals in the Park
Calling all Daisies! Join Troop 41103 on November 17, 3-5pm for a series of fun activities to earn some of your remaining petals. Register here and note which petals you are interested in earning.
This is a free event, a certificate will be provided for petals earned. Petals are not provided. This is not a drop off event.
Higher Award Workshop
Working on your Gold or Silver Award? Join our next Higher Award Workshop on November 17, at St. Matt's 3:30pm-5:00pm. Workshops are held monthly, only prerequisite is that you have finished two journeys. Leaders whose Girl Scouts have been through the Gold Award and Silver Award Consultants will be there to help! RSVP is not required, but highly encouraged.
Holiday Buddies
Holiday Buddies is a long standing tradition where troops and families in Bluebonnet Circle Service Unit "adopt" a child in foster care for the holidays. In early November, you will receive the wishlist and some basic demographic information about your buddy(ies). We ask that you shop for them, spending approximately $75-$100 dollars. It is important to try to stay roughly in this budget to make sure that the gifts for all children are comparable. Gifts will be dropped off at Lauren's house in early December. Exact dates/times will be sent when it gets closer but likely times will be between Dec 6-8. Sign up now!
Gingerbread House Decorating
Bluebonnet Circle Service Unit's Annual Gingerbread Decorating House Event is being hosted by Brownie Troop 41105! Order your kits and decorate with us from 10-12 on December 14th OR pick them up to decorate at home. Houses will be pre-assembled! 15+ different types of candy and icing for decorating are included along with a patch! Register here while supplies last!
Caroling with the Elderly
Watch the Bluebonnet Circle Event Registration page for opportunities to sing Christmas carols to elderly residents of area retirement homes this holiday season. Details coming soon!